[−][src]Module diesel::helper_types
Provide helper types for concisely writing the return type of functions. As with iterators, it is unfortunately difficult to return a partially constructed query without exposing the exact implementation of the function. Without higher kinded types, these various DSLs can't be combined into a single trait for boxing purposes.
All types here are in the form <FirstType as DslName<OtherTypes>>::Output
. So the return type of
be Limit<Order<FindBy<users, first_name, &str>, Asc<last_name>>>
Type Definitions
And | The return type of
AsExpr | The type of |
AsExprOf | The type of |
Asc | The return type of
Between | The return type of
Desc | The return type of
Distinct | Represents the return type of |
Eq | The return type of
EqAny | The return type of
Escape | The return type of
Filter | Represents the return type of |
Find | Represents the return type of |
FindBy | Represents the return type of |
ForKeyShare | Represents the return type of |
ForNoKeyUpdate | Represents the return type of |
ForShare | Represents the return type of |
ForUpdate | Represents the return type of |
Gt | The return type of
GtEq | The return type of
InnerJoin | Represents the return type of |
IntoBoxed | Represents the return type of |
IsNotNull | The return type of
IsNull | The return type of
LeftJoin | Represents the return type of |
Like | The return type of
Limit | Represents the return type of |
Lt | The return type of
LtEq | The return type of
NeAny | The return type of
NoWait | Represents the return type of |
Not | Deprecated The return type of |
NotBetween | The return type of
NotEq | The return type of
NotLike | The return type of
Nullable | The return type of
NullableSelect | Represents the return type of |
Offset | Represents the return type of |
Or | The return type of
OrFilter | Represents the return type of |
Order | Represents the return type of |
Select | Represents the return type of |
SingleValue | Represents the return type of |
SkipLocked | Represents the return type of |
SqlTypeOf | The SQL type of an expression |
ThenOrderBy | Represents the return type of |
Update | Represents the return type of |
avg | The return type of |
max | The return type of |
min | The return type of |
not | The return type of |
sum | The return type of |