[][src]Trait diesel::query_builder::QueryBuilder

pub trait QueryBuilder<DB: Backend> {
    fn push_sql(&mut self, sql: &str);
fn push_identifier(&mut self, identifier: &str) -> QueryResult<()>;
fn push_bind_param(&mut self);
fn finish(self) -> String; }

Constructs a SQL query from a Diesel AST.

The only reason you should ever need to interact with this trait is if you are extending Diesel with support for a new backend. Plugins which extend the query builder with new capabilities will interact with AstPass instead.

Required methods

fn push_sql(&mut self, sql: &str)

Add sql to the end of the query being constructed.

fn push_identifier(&mut self, identifier: &str) -> QueryResult<()>

Quote identifier, and add it to the end of the query being constructed.

fn push_bind_param(&mut self)

Add a placeholder for a bind parameter to the end of the query being constructed.

fn finish(self) -> String

Returns the constructed SQL query.

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impl QueryBuilder<Mysql> for MysqlQueryBuilder[src]

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