[−][src]Function rouille::log_custom
pub fn log_custom<L, E, F>(
req: &Request,
log_ok_f: L,
log_err_f: E,
handler: F
) -> Response where
L: Fn(&Request, &Response, Duration),
E: Fn(&Request, Duration),
F: FnOnce() -> Response,
Calls custom logging functions after processing a request.
This is nearly identical to the rouille::log
function except it
takes two logging functions that will be called with access to the request/response
structs and the total execution duration of the handler.
#[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate chrono; use rouille::{Request, Response}; fn handle(request: &Request) -> Response { let now = chrono::Utc::now().format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.6f"); let log_ok = |req: &Request, resp: &Response, _elap: std::time::Duration| { info!("{} {} {}", now, req.method(), req.raw_url()); }; let log_err = |req: &Request, _elap: std::time::Duration| { error!("{} Handler panicked: {} {}", now, req.method(), req.raw_url()); }; rouille::log_custom(request, log_ok, log_err, || { Response::text("hello world") }) }