[][src]Macro rouille::router

macro_rules! router {
     $(($method:ident) [$url_pattern:expr $(, $param:ident: $param_type:ty)*] => $handle:expr,)*
     _ => $default:expr $(,)*) => { ... };
    (__param_dispatch $request_url:ident, $url_pattern:expr => $handle:expr ; ) => { ... };
    (__param_dispatch $request_url:ident, $url_pattern:expr => $handle:expr ; $($param:ident: $param_type:ty),*) => { ... };
    (__check_url_match $request_url:ident, $url_pattern:expr => $handle:expr) => { ... };
    (__check_parse_pattern $request_url_str:ident, $url_pattern:expr => $handle:expr ; $($param:ident: $param_type:ty),*) => { ... };
    (__insert_param $request_url:ident, $url_params:ident, $key:expr, $actual:expr ; ) => { ... };
    (__insert_param $request_url:ident, $url_params:ident, $key:expr, $actual:expr ; $param:tt: $param_type:tt $($params:tt: $param_types:tt)*) => { ... };
    (__bind_url_param $url_params:ident, $actual:expr, $param:ident, $param_type:ty) => { ... };
    (__build_resp $request_url:ident, $url_params:expr, $handle:expr ; ) => { ... };
    (__build_resp $request_url:ident, $url_params:expr, $handle:expr ; $param:tt: $param_type:tt $($params:tt: $param_types:tt)*) => { ... };
    (__bind_param $request_url:ident, $url_params:expr, $handle:expr, $param:ident: $param_type:ty ; $($params:tt: $param_types:tt)*) => { ... };
    ($request:expr, $(($method:ident) ($($pat:tt)+) => $value:block,)* _ => $def:expr $(,)*) => { ... };
    (__check_pattern $url:ident $value:block /{$p:ident} $($rest:tt)*) => { ... };
    (__check_pattern $url:ident $value:block /{$p:ident: $t:ty} $($rest:tt)*) => { ... };
    (__check_pattern $url:ident $value:block /$p:ident $($rest:tt)*) => { ... };
    (__check_pattern $url:ident $value:block - $($rest:tt)*) => { ... };
    (__check_pattern $url:ident $value:block) => { ... };
    (__check_pattern $url:ident $value:block /) => { ... };
    (__check_pattern $url:ident $value:block $p:ident $($rest:tt)*) => { ... };

Equivalent to a match expression but for routes.


let _result = router!(request,
    // first route
    (GET) (/) => {

    // second route
    (GET) (/hello) => {
        43 * 7

    // ... other routes here ...

    // default route
    _ => 5


The macro will take each route one by one and execute the first one that matches, similar to the match language construct. The whole router! expression then returns what the body returns, therefore all the bodies must return the same type of data.

You can use parameters by putting them inside {}:

This example is not tested
(GET) (/{id}/foo) => {

If you use parameters inside {}, then a variable with the same name will be available in the code in the body. Each parameter gets parsed through the FromStr trait. If the parsing fails, the route is ignored. If you get an error because the type of the parameter couldn't be inferred, you can also specify the type inside the brackets:

This example is not tested
(GET) (/{id: u32}/foo) => {

Alternative syntax (string-style)

You can also define url routes using strings. This allows using characters that are not valid rust idents (e.g. periods and numbers).

This example is not tested
(GET) ["/hello/2"] => { ... },

You can use parameters by putting them inside {}, and adding an identity: type pair. Note that identity names must match the parameter names used in the URL string and an accompanying type is required. The declared identities (variables) will be parsed through the FromStr trait and made available in the code of the route's body. If the parsing fails, the route is ignored.

This example is not tested
(GET) ["/add/{a}/plus/{b}", a: u32, b: u32] => {
    let c = a + b;

Some other things to note