[][src]Struct chrono::format::Parsed

pub struct Parsed {
    pub year: Option<i32>,
    pub year_div_100: Option<i32>,
    pub year_mod_100: Option<i32>,
    pub isoyear: Option<i32>,
    pub isoyear_div_100: Option<i32>,
    pub isoyear_mod_100: Option<i32>,
    pub month: Option<u32>,
    pub week_from_sun: Option<u32>,
    pub week_from_mon: Option<u32>,
    pub isoweek: Option<u32>,
    pub weekday: Option<Weekday>,
    pub ordinal: Option<u32>,
    pub day: Option<u32>,
    pub hour_div_12: Option<u32>,
    pub hour_mod_12: Option<u32>,
    pub minute: Option<u32>,
    pub second: Option<u32>,
    pub nanosecond: Option<u32>,
    pub timestamp: Option<i64>,
    pub offset: Option<i32>,
    // some fields omitted

Parsed parts of date and time. There are two classes of methods:


year: Option<i32>


This can be negative unlike year_div_100 and year_mod_100 fields.

year_div_100: Option<i32>

Year divided by 100. Implies that the year is >= 1 BCE when set.

Due to the common usage, if this field is missing but year_mod_100 is present, it is inferred to 19 when year_mod_100 >= 70 and 20 otherwise.

year_mod_100: Option<i32>

Year modulo 100. Implies that the year is >= 1 BCE when set.

isoyear: Option<i32>

Year in the ISO week date.

This can be negative unlike isoyear_div_100 and isoyear_mod_100 fields.

isoyear_div_100: Option<i32>

Year in the ISO week date, divided by 100. Implies that the year is >= 1 BCE when set.

Due to the common usage, if this field is missing but isoyear_mod_100 is present, it is inferred to 19 when isoyear_mod_100 >= 70 and 20 otherwise.

isoyear_mod_100: Option<i32>

Year in the ISO week date, modulo 100. Implies that the year is >= 1 BCE when set.

month: Option<u32>

Month (1--12).

week_from_sun: Option<u32>

Week number, where the week 1 starts at the first Sunday of January (0--53, 1--53 or 1--52 depending on the year).

week_from_mon: Option<u32>

Week number, where the week 1 starts at the first Monday of January (0--53, 1--53 or 1--52 depending on the year).

isoweek: Option<u32>

ISO week number (1--52 or 1--53 depending on the year).

weekday: Option<Weekday>

Day of the week.

ordinal: Option<u32>

Day of the year (1--365 or 1--366 depending on the year).

day: Option<u32>

Day of the month (1--28, 1--29, 1--30 or 1--31 depending on the month).

hour_div_12: Option<u32>

Hour number divided by 12 (0--1). 0 indicates AM and 1 indicates PM.

hour_mod_12: Option<u32>

Hour number modulo 12 (0--11).

minute: Option<u32>

Minute number (0--59).

second: Option<u32>

Second number (0--60, accounting for leap seconds).

nanosecond: Option<u32>

The number of nanoseconds since the whole second (0--999,999,999).

timestamp: Option<i64>

The number of non-leap seconds since the midnight UTC on January 1, 1970.

This can be off by one if second is 60 (a leap second).

offset: Option<i32>

Offset from the local time to UTC, in seconds.


impl Parsed[src]

pub fn new() -> Parsed[src]

Returns the initial value of parsed parts.

pub fn set_year(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the year field from given value.

pub fn set_year_div_100(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the year_div_100 field from given value.

pub fn set_year_mod_100(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the year_mod_100 field from given value.

pub fn set_isoyear(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the isoyear field from given value.

pub fn set_isoyear_div_100(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the isoyear_div_100 field from given value.

pub fn set_isoyear_mod_100(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the isoyear_mod_100 field from given value.

pub fn set_month(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the month field from given value.

pub fn set_week_from_sun(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the week_from_sun field from given value.

pub fn set_week_from_mon(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the week_from_mon field from given value.

pub fn set_isoweek(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the isoweek field from given value.

pub fn set_weekday(&mut self, value: Weekday) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the weekday field from given value.

pub fn set_ordinal(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the ordinal field from given value.

pub fn set_day(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the day field from given value.

pub fn set_ampm(&mut self, value: bool) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the hour_div_12 field from given value. (false for AM, true for PM)

pub fn set_hour12(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the hour_mod_12 field from given hour number in 12-hour clocks.

pub fn set_hour(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set both hour_div_12 and hour_mod_12 fields from given value.

pub fn set_minute(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the minute field from given value.

pub fn set_second(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the second field from given value.

pub fn set_nanosecond(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the nanosecond field from given value.

pub fn set_timestamp(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the timestamp field from given value.

pub fn set_offset(&mut self, value: i64) -> ParseResult<()>[src]

Tries to set the offset field from given value.

pub fn to_naive_date(&self) -> ParseResult<NaiveDate>[src]

Returns a parsed naive date out of given fields.

This method is able to determine the date from given subset of fields:

  • Year, month, day.
  • Year, day of the year (ordinal).
  • Year, week number counted from Sunday or Monday, day of the week.
  • ISO week date.

Gregorian year and ISO week date year can have their century number (*_div_100) omitted, the two-digit year is used to guess the century number then.

pub fn to_naive_time(&self) -> ParseResult<NaiveTime>[src]

Returns a parsed naive time out of given fields.

This method is able to determine the time from given subset of fields:

  • Hour, minute. (second and nanosecond assumed to be 0)
  • Hour, minute, second. (nanosecond assumed to be 0)
  • Hour, minute, second, nanosecond.

It is able to handle leap seconds when given second is 60.

pub fn to_naive_datetime_with_offset(
    offset: i32
) -> ParseResult<NaiveDateTime>

Returns a parsed naive date and time out of given fields, except for the offset field (assumed to have a given value). This is required for parsing a local time or other known-timezone inputs.

This method is able to determine the combined date and time from date and time fields or a single timestamp field. Either way those fields have to be consistent to each other.

pub fn to_fixed_offset(&self) -> ParseResult<FixedOffset>[src]

Returns a parsed fixed time zone offset out of given fields.

pub fn to_datetime(&self) -> ParseResult<DateTime<FixedOffset>>[src]

Returns a parsed timezone-aware date and time out of given fields.

This method is able to determine the combined date and time from date and time fields or a single timestamp field, plus a time zone offset. Either way those fields have to be consistent to each other.

pub fn to_datetime_with_timezone<Tz: TimeZone>(
    tz: &Tz
) -> ParseResult<DateTime<Tz>>

Returns a parsed timezone-aware date and time out of given fields, with an additional TimeZone used to interpret and validate the local date.

This method is able to determine the combined date and time from date and time fields or a single timestamp field, plus a time zone offset. Either way those fields have to be consistent to each other. If parsed fields include an UTC offset, it also has to be consistent to offset.

Trait Implementations

impl Default for Parsed[src]

impl Clone for Parsed[src]

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)1.0.0[src]

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl PartialEq<Parsed> for Parsed[src]

impl Debug for Parsed[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Unpin for Parsed

impl Sync for Parsed

impl Send for Parsed

impl UnwindSafe for Parsed

impl RefUnwindSafe for Parsed

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized