[][src]Trait rand::CryptoRng

pub trait CryptoRng { }

A marker trait used to indicate that an [RngCore] or BlockRngCore implementation is supposed to be cryptographically secure.

Cryptographically secure generators, also known as CSPRNGs, should satisfy an additional properties over other generators: given the first k bits of an algorithm's output sequence, it should not be possible using polynomial-time algorithms to predict the next bit with probability significantly greater than 50%.

Some generators may satisfy an additional property, however this is not required by this trait: if the CSPRNG's state is revealed, it should not be computationally-feasible to reconstruct output prior to this. Some other generators allow backwards-computation and are consided reversible.

Note that this trait is provided for guidance only and cannot guarantee suitability for cryptographic applications. In general it should only be implemented for well-reviewed code implementing well-regarded algorithms.

Note also that use of a CryptoRng does not protect against other weaknesses such as seeding from a weak entropy source or leaking state.

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<R> CryptoRng for BlockRng<R> where
    R: BlockRngCore + CryptoRng

impl<'a, R> CryptoRng for &'a mut R where
    R: CryptoRng + ?Sized

impl<R> CryptoRng for Box<R> where
    R: CryptoRng + ?Sized

impl CryptoRng for ChaChaRng[src]

impl CryptoRng for ChaChaCore[src]

impl CryptoRng for Hc128Rng[src]

impl CryptoRng for Hc128Core[src]

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impl CryptoRng for EntropyRng[src]

impl CryptoRng for JitterRng[src]

impl CryptoRng for OsRng[src]

impl CryptoRng for StdRng[src]

impl CryptoRng for ThreadRng[src]

impl<R, Rsdr> CryptoRng for ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr> where
    R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng + CryptoRng,
    Rsdr: RngCore + CryptoRng

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