[][src]Struct reqwest::Response

pub struct Response { /* fields omitted */ }

A Response to a submitted Request.


impl Response[src]

pub fn status(&self) -> StatusCode[src]

Get the StatusCode of this Response.


Checking for general status class:

let resp = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/get")?;
if resp.status().is_success() {
} else if resp.status().is_server_error() {
    println!("server error!");
} else {
    println!("Something else happened. Status: {:?}", resp.status());

Checking for specific status codes:

use reqwest::Client;
use reqwest::StatusCode;
let client = Client::new();

let resp = client.post("http://httpbin.org/post")
    .body("possibly too large")

match resp.status() {
    StatusCode::OK => println!("success!"),
    StatusCode::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE => {
        println!("Request payload is too large!");
    s => println!("Received response status: {:?}", s),

pub fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap[src]

Get the Headers of this Response.


Saving an etag when caching a file:

use reqwest::Client;
use reqwest::header::ETAG;

let client = Client::new();

let mut resp = client.get("http://httpbin.org/cache").send()?;
if resp.status().is_success() {
    if let Some(etag) = resp.headers().get(ETAG) {
        std::fs::write("etag", etag.as_bytes());
    let mut file = std::fs::File::create("file")?;
    resp.copy_to(&mut file)?;

pub fn cookies<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Cookie<'a>> + 'a[src]

Retrieve the cookies contained in the response.

Note that invalid 'Set-Cookie' headers will be ignored.

pub fn version(&self) -> Version[src]

Get the HTTP Version of this Response.

pub fn url(&self) -> &Url[src]

Get the final Url of this Response.


let resp = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/redirect/1")?;
assert_eq!(resp.url().as_str(), "http://httpbin.org/get");

pub fn remote_addr(&self) -> Option<SocketAddr>[src]

Get the remote address used to get this Response.


let resp = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/redirect/1")?;
println!("httpbin.org address: {:?}", resp.remote_addr());

pub fn content_length(&self) -> Option<u64>[src]

Get the content-length of the response, if it is known.

Reasons it may not be known:

  • The server didn't send a content-length header.
  • The response is gzipped and automatically decoded (thus changing the actual decoded length).

pub fn json<T: DeserializeOwned>(&mut self) -> Result<T>[src]

Try and deserialize the response body as JSON using serde.


struct Ip {
    origin: String,

let json: Ip = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/ip")?.json()?;


This method fails whenever the response body is not in JSON format or it cannot be properly deserialized to target type T. For more details please see [serde_json::from_reader]. [serde_json::from_reader]: https://docs.serde.rs/serde_json/fn.from_reader.html

pub fn text(&mut self) -> Result<String>[src]

Get the response text.

This method decodes the response body with BOM sniffing and with malformed sequences replaced with the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. Encoding is determinated from the charset parameter of Content-Type header, and defaults to utf-8 if not presented.


let content = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/range/26")?.text()?;


This consumes the body. Trying to read more, or use of response.json() will return empty values.

pub fn text_with_charset(&mut self, default_encoding: &str) -> Result<String>[src]

Get the response text given a specific encoding.

This method decodes the response body with BOM sniffing and with malformed sequences replaced with the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. You can provide a default encoding for decoding the raw message, while the charset parameter of Content-Type header is still prioritized. For more information about the possible encoding name, please go to https://docs.rs/encoding_rs/0.8.17/encoding_rs/#relationship-with-windows-code-pages


let content = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/range/26")?.text_with_charset("utf-8")?;


This consumes the body. Trying to read more, or use of response.json() will return empty values.

pub fn copy_to<W: ?Sized>(&mut self, w: &mut W) -> Result<u64> where
    W: Write

Copy the response body into a writer.

This function internally uses std::io::copy and hence will continuously read data from the body and then write it into writer in a streaming fashion until EOF is met.

On success, the total number of bytes that were copied to writer is returned.


let mut resp = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/range/5")?;
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
resp.copy_to(&mut buf)?;
assert_eq!(b"abcde", buf.as_slice());

pub fn error_for_status(self) -> Result<Self>[src]

Turn a response into an error if the server returned an error.


let res = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/status/400")?
if let Err(err) = res {
    assert_eq!(err.status(), Some(reqwest::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST));

pub fn error_for_status_ref(&self) -> Result<&Self>[src]

Turn a reference to a response into an error if the server returned an error.


let res = reqwest::get("http://httpbin.org/status/400")?;
let res = res.error_for_status_ref();
if let Err(err) = res {
    assert_eq!(err.status(), Some(reqwest::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST));

Trait Implementations

impl<T: Into<Body>> From<Response<T>> for Response[src]

impl Debug for Response[src]

impl Read for Response[src]

fn read_vectored(&mut self, bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut]) -> Result<usize, Error>1.36.0[src]

Like read, except that it reads into a slice of buffers. Read more

unsafe fn initializer(&self) -> Initializer[src]

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (read_initializer)

Determines if this Reader can work with buffers of uninitialized memory. Read more

fn read_to_end(&mut self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize, Error>1.0.0[src]

Read all bytes until EOF in this source, placing them into buf. Read more

fn read_to_string(&mut self, buf: &mut String) -> Result<usize, Error>1.0.0[src]

Read all bytes until EOF in this source, appending them to buf. Read more

fn read_exact(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error>1.6.0[src]

Read the exact number of bytes required to fill buf. Read more

fn by_ref(&mut self) -> &mut Self1.0.0[src]

Creates a "by reference" adaptor for this instance of Read. Read more

fn bytes(self) -> Bytes<Self>1.0.0[src]

Transforms this Read instance to an [Iterator] over its bytes. Read more

fn chain<R>(self, next: R) -> Chain<Self, R> where
    R: Read

Creates an adaptor which will chain this stream with another. Read more

fn take(self, limit: u64) -> Take<Self>1.0.0[src]

Creates an adaptor which will read at most limit bytes from it. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Unpin for Response

impl !Sync for Response

impl Send for Response

impl !UnwindSafe for Response

impl !RefUnwindSafe for Response

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<R> ReadBytesExt for R where
    R: Read + ?Sized

fn read_u8(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Error>[src]

Reads an unsigned 8 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i8(&mut self) -> Result<i8, Error>[src]

Reads a signed 8 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u16<T>(&mut self) -> Result<u16, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i16<T>(&mut self) -> Result<i16, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a signed 16 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u24<T>(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads an unsigned 24 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i24<T>(&mut self) -> Result<i32, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a signed 24 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u32<T>(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i32<T>(&mut self) -> Result<i32, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a signed 32 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u48<T>(&mut self) -> Result<u64, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads an unsigned 48 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i48<T>(&mut self) -> Result<i64, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a signed 48 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u64<T>(&mut self) -> Result<u64, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads an unsigned 64 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i64<T>(&mut self) -> Result<i64, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a signed 64 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u128<T>(&mut self) -> Result<u128, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads an unsigned 128 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i128<T>(&mut self) -> Result<i128, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a signed 128 bit integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_uint<T>(&mut self, nbytes: usize) -> Result<u64, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads an unsigned n-bytes integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_int<T>(&mut self, nbytes: usize) -> Result<i64, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a signed n-bytes integer from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_uint128<T>(&mut self, nbytes: usize) -> Result<u128, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads an unsigned n-bytes integer from the underlying reader.

fn read_int128<T>(&mut self, nbytes: usize) -> Result<i128, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a signed n-bytes integer from the underlying reader.

fn read_f32<T>(&mut self) -> Result<f32, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_f64<T>(&mut self) -> Result<f64, Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u16_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [u16]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of unsigned 16 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u32_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [u32]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of unsigned 32 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u64_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [u64]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of unsigned 64 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_u128_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [u128]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of unsigned 128 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i8_into(&mut self, dst: &mut [i8]) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

Reads a sequence of signed 8 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i16_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [i16]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of signed 16 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i32_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [i32]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of signed 32 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i64_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [i64]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of signed 64 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_i128_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [i128]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of signed 128 bit integers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_f32_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [f32]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point numbers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_f32_into_unchecked<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [f32]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Deprecated since 1.2.0:

please use read_f32_into instead


fn read_f64_into<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [f64]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Reads a sequence of IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point numbers from the underlying reader. Read more

fn read_f64_into_unchecked<T>(&mut self, dst: &mut [f64]) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: ByteOrder

Deprecated since 1.2.0:

please use read_f64_into instead


impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Err = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Err

impl<T> Erased for T[src]