[]Struct webdev_lib::tests::test_sessions::schema::test_session_registrations::table

pub struct table;

The actual table struct

This is the type which provides the base methods of the query builder, such as .select and .filter.


impl table

pub fn star(&self) -> star

Represents table_name.*, which is sometimes necessary for efficient count queries. It cannot be used in place of all_columns

Trait Implementations

impl Copy for table

impl Clone for table

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)1.0.0[src]

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for table

impl SelectableExpression<table> for star

impl SelectableExpression<table> for id

impl SelectableExpression<table> for test_session_id

impl SelectableExpression<table> for taker_id

impl SelectableExpression<table> for registered

impl SelectableExpression<table> for opened_test

impl SelectableExpression<table> for submitted_test

impl SelectableExpression<table> for score

impl QuerySource for table

type FromClause = Identifier<'static>

The type returned by from_clause

type DefaultSelection = Self::AllColumns

The type returned by default_selection

impl Table for table

type PrimaryKey = id

The type returned by primary_key

type AllColumns = (id, test_session_id, taker_id, registered, opened_test, submitted_test, score)

The type returned by all_columns

impl<Left, Right, Kind> JoinTo<Join<Left, Right, Kind>> for table where
    Join<Left, Right, Kind>: JoinTo<table>, 

type FromClause = Join<Left, Right, Kind>

type OnClause = <Join<Left, Right, Kind> as JoinTo<table>>::OnClause

impl<Join, On> JoinTo<JoinOn<Join, On>> for table where
    JoinOn<Join, On>: JoinTo<table>, 

type FromClause = JoinOn<Join, On>

type OnClause = <JoinOn<Join, On> as JoinTo<table>>::OnClause

impl<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G> JoinTo<SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G, NoLockingClause>> for table where
    SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G>: JoinTo<table>, 

type FromClause = SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G>

type OnClause = <SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G> as JoinTo<table>>::OnClause

impl<'a, QS, ST, DB> JoinTo<BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB>> for table where
    BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB>: JoinTo<table>, 

type FromClause = BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB>

type OnClause = <BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB> as JoinTo<table>>::OnClause

impl JoinTo<table> for table

type FromClause = table

type OnClause = Eq<Nullable<test_session_id>, Nullable<<table as Table>::PrimaryKey>>

impl JoinTo<table> for table

type FromClause = table

type OnClause = Eq<Nullable<test_session_id>, Nullable<<table as Table>::PrimaryKey>>

impl HasTable for table

type Table = Self

The table this type is associated with.

impl AppearsOnTable<table> for star

impl<'insert> Insertable<table> for NewRawTestSessionRegistration[src]

type Values = <(Option<Eq<test_session_id, u64>>, Option<Eq<taker_id, u64>>, Option<Eq<registered, NaiveDateTime>>, Option<Eq<opened_test, NaiveDateTime>>, Option<Eq<submitted_test, NaiveDateTime>>, Option<Eq<score, f32>>) as Insertable<table>>::Values

The VALUES clause to insert these records Read more

fn insert_into(
    table: T
) -> InsertStatement<T, Self::Values, Insert, NoReturningClause>

Insert self into a given table. Read more

impl<'insert> Insertable<table> for &'insert NewRawTestSessionRegistration[src]

type Values = <(Option<Eq<test_session_id, &'insert u64>>, Option<Eq<taker_id, &'insert u64>>, Option<Eq<registered, &'insert NaiveDateTime>>, Option<Eq<opened_test, &'insert NaiveDateTime>>, Option<Eq<submitted_test, &'insert NaiveDateTime>>, Option<Eq<score, &'insert f32>>) as Insertable<table>>::Values

The VALUES clause to insert these records Read more

fn insert_into(
    table: T
) -> InsertStatement<T, Self::Values, Insert, NoReturningClause>

Insert self into a given table. Read more

impl<T> Insertable<T> for table where
    <table as AsQuery>::Query: Insertable<T>, 

type Values = <<table as AsQuery>::Query as Insertable<T>>::Values

The VALUES clause to insert these records Read more

fn insert_into(
    table: T
) -> InsertStatement<T, Self::Values, Insert, NoReturningClause>

Insert self into a given table. Read more

impl<'a, T> Insertable<T> for &'a table where
    table: Insertable<T>, 

type Values = <table as Insertable<T>>::Values

The VALUES clause to insert these records Read more

fn insert_into(
    table: T
) -> InsertStatement<T, Self::Values, Insert, NoReturningClause>

Insert self into a given table. Read more

impl<'insert> UndecoratedInsertRecord<table> for NewRawTestSessionRegistration[src]

impl IntoUpdateTarget for table

type WhereClause = <Self::Query as IntoUpdateTarget>::WhereClause

What is the WHERE clause of this target?

impl AsQuery for table

type SqlType = SqlType

The SQL type of Self::Query

type Query = SelectStatement<Self>

What kind of query does this type represent?

impl QueryId for table

type QueryId = table

A type which uniquely represents Self in a SQL query. Read more

fn query_id() -> Option<TypeId>[src]

Returns the type id of Self::QueryId if Self::HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID. Returns None otherwise. Read more

impl AppearsInFromClause<table> for table

type Count = Once

How many times does Self appear in QS?

impl AppearsInFromClause<table> for ()

type Count = Never

How many times does Self appear in QS?

impl AppearsInFromClause<table> for table

type Count = Never

How many times does Self appear in QS?

impl AppearsInFromClause<table> for table

type Count = Never

How many times does Self appear in QS?

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Unpin for table

impl Sync for table

impl Send for table

impl UnwindSafe for table

impl RefUnwindSafe for table

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> QueryDsl for T where
    T: Table

fn distinct(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: DistinctDsl

Adds the DISTINCT keyword to a query. Read more

fn select<Selection>(self, selection: Selection) -> Self::Output where
    Selection: Expression,
    Self: SelectDsl<Selection>, 

Adds a SELECT clause to the query. Read more

fn count(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: SelectDsl<CountStar>, 

Get the count of a query. This is equivalent to .select(count_star()) Read more

fn inner_join<Rhs>(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output where
    Self: JoinWithImplicitOnClause<Rhs, Inner>, 

Join two tables using a SQL INNER JOIN. Read more

fn left_outer_join<Rhs>(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output where
    Self: JoinWithImplicitOnClause<Rhs, LeftOuter>, 

Join two tables using a SQL LEFT OUTER JOIN. Read more

fn left_join<Rhs>(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output where
    Self: JoinWithImplicitOnClause<Rhs, LeftOuter>, 

Alias for [left_outer_join]. Read more

fn filter<Predicate>(self, predicate: Predicate) -> Self::Output where
    Self: FilterDsl<Predicate>, 

Adds to the WHERE clause of a query. Read more

fn or_filter<Predicate>(self, predicate: Predicate) -> Self::Output where
    Self: OrFilterDsl<Predicate>, 

Adds to the WHERE clause of a query using OR Read more

fn find<PK>(self, id: PK) -> Self::Output where
    Self: FindDsl<PK>, 

Attempts to find a single record from the given table by primary key. Read more

fn order<Expr>(self, expr: Expr) -> Self::Output where
    Expr: Expression,
    Self: OrderDsl<Expr>, 

Sets the order clause of a query. Read more

fn order_by<Expr>(self, expr: Expr) -> Self::Output where
    Expr: Expression,
    Self: OrderDsl<Expr>, 

Alias for order

fn then_order_by<Order>(self, order: Order) -> Self::Output where
    Self: ThenOrderDsl<Order>, 

Appends to the ORDER BY clause of this SQL query. Read more

fn limit(self, limit: i64) -> Self::Output where
    Self: LimitDsl

Sets the limit clause of the query. Read more

fn offset(self, offset: i64) -> Self::Output where
    Self: OffsetDsl

Sets the offset clause of the query. Read more

fn for_update(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: ForUpdateDsl

Adds FOR UPDATE to the end of the select statement. Read more

fn for_no_key_update(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: LockingDsl<ForNoKeyUpdate>, 

Adds FOR NO KEY UPDATE to the end of the select statement. Read more

fn for_share(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: LockingDsl<ForShare>, 

Adds FOR SHARE to the end of the select statement. Read more

fn for_key_share(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: LockingDsl<ForKeyShare>, 

Adds FOR KEY SHARE to the end of the select statement. Read more

fn skip_locked(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: ModifyLockDsl<SkipLocked>, 

Adds SKIP LOCKED to the end of a FOR UPDATE clause. Read more

fn no_wait(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: ModifyLockDsl<NoWait>, 

Adds NOWAIT to the end of a FOR UPDATE clause. Read more

fn into_boxed<'a, DB>(self) -> Self::Output where
    DB: Backend,
    Self: BoxedDsl<'a, DB>, 

Boxes the pieces of a query into a single type. Read more

fn single_value(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: SingleValueDsl

Wraps this select statement in parenthesis, allowing it to be used as an expression. Read more

fn nullable(self) -> Self::Output where
    Self: SelectNullableDsl

Coerce the SQL type of the select clause to it's nullable equivalent. Read more

impl<T, Predicate> FilterDsl<Predicate> for T where
    T: Table,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: FilterDsl<Predicate>, 

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as FilterDsl<Predicate>>::Output

The type returned by .filter.

impl<T> JoinOnDsl for T where
    T: QuerySource

fn on<On>(self, on: On) -> OnClauseWrapper<Self, On>[src]

See the trait documentation.

impl<Lhs, Rhs, On> JoinTo<OnClauseWrapper<Rhs, On>> for Lhs where
    Lhs: Table

type FromClause = Rhs

type OnClause = On

impl<T, Expr> GroupByDsl<Expr> for T where
    Expr: Expression,
    T: Table + AsQuery,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: GroupByDsl<Expr>, 

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as GroupByDsl<Expr>>::Output

The type returned by .group_by

impl<T> IntoSql for T[src]

fn into_sql<T>(self) -> Self::Expression where
    Self: AsExpression<T>, 

Convert self to an expression for Diesel's query builder. Read more

fn as_sql<'a, T>(&'a self) -> <&'a Self as AsExpression<T>>::Expression where
    &'a Self: AsExpression<T>, 

Convert &self to an expression for Diesel's query builder. Read more

impl<T, Conn> RunQueryDsl<Conn> for T where
    T: Table

fn execute(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<usize, Error> where
    Conn: Connection,
    Self: ExecuteDsl<Conn, <Conn as Connection>::Backend>, 

Executes the given command, returning the number of rows affected. Read more

fn load<U>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Vec<U>, Error> where
    Self: LoadQuery<Conn, U>, 

Executes the given query, returning a Vec with the returned rows. Read more

fn get_result<U>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<U, Error> where
    Self: LoadQuery<Conn, U>, 

Runs the command, and returns the affected row. Read more

fn get_results<U>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Vec<U>, Error> where
    Self: LoadQuery<Conn, U>, 

Runs the command, returning an Vec with the affected rows. Read more

fn first<U>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<U, Error> where
    Self: LimitDsl,
    Self::Output: LoadQuery<Conn, U>, 

Attempts to load a single record. Read more

impl<T, Selection> SelectDsl<Selection> for T where
    Selection: Expression,
    T: Table,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: SelectDsl<Selection>, 

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as SelectDsl<Selection>>::Output

The type returned by .select

impl<T, Tab, V> IntoUpdateTarget for T where
    T: Identifiable<Table = Tab>,
    Tab: Table + FindDsl<<T as Identifiable>::Id>,
    <Tab as FindDsl<<T as Identifiable>::Id>>::Output: IntoUpdateTarget,
    <<Tab as FindDsl<<T as Identifiable>::Id>>::Output as HasTable>::Table == Tab,
    <<Tab as FindDsl<<T as Identifiable>::Id>>::Output as IntoUpdateTarget>::WhereClause == V, 

type WhereClause = V

What is the WHERE clause of this target?

impl<T> AsQuery for T where
    T: Query

type SqlType = <T as Query>::SqlType

The SQL type of Self::Query

type Query = T

What kind of query does this type represent?

impl<T, Lock> LockingDsl<Lock> for T where
    T: Table + AsQuery,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: LockingDsl<Lock>, 

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as LockingDsl<Lock>>::Output

The type returned by set_lock. See [dsl::ForUpdate] and friends for convenient access to this type. Read more

impl<T> DistinctDsl for T where
    T: Table,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: DistinctDsl

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as DistinctDsl>::Output

The type returned by .distinct

impl<T> ForUpdateDsl for T where
    T: LockingDsl<ForUpdate>, 

type Output = <T as LockingDsl<ForUpdate>>::Output

Deprecated since 1.3.0:

use LockingDsl<ForUpdate> instead

The type returned by for_update. See [dsl::ForUpdate] for convenient access to this type. Read more

impl<T> LimitDsl for T where
    T: Table,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: LimitDsl

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as LimitDsl>::Output

The type returned by .limit

impl<Conn, T, U> LoadQuery<Conn, U> for T where
    Conn: Connection,
    T: AsQuery + RunQueryDsl<Conn>,
    U: Queryable<<T as AsQuery>::SqlType, <Conn as Connection>::Backend>,
    <Conn as Connection>::Backend: HasSqlType<<T as AsQuery>::SqlType>,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: QueryFragment<<Conn as Connection>::Backend>,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: QueryId

impl<T> OffsetDsl for T where
    T: Table,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: OffsetDsl

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as OffsetDsl>::Output

The type returned by .offset.

impl<'a, T, DB> BoxedDsl<'a, DB> for T where
    T: Table + AsQuery,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: BoxedDsl<'a, DB>, 

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as BoxedDsl<'a, DB>>::Output

The return type of internal_into_boxed

impl<T, PK> FindDsl<PK> for T where
    T: Table + FilterDsl<<<T as Table>::PrimaryKey as EqAll<PK>>::Output>,
    <T as Table>::PrimaryKey: EqAll<PK>, 

type Output = <T as FilterDsl<<<T as Table>::PrimaryKey as EqAll<PK>>::Output>>::Output

The type returned by .find.

impl<T, Expr> OrderDsl<Expr> for T where
    Expr: Expression,
    T: Table,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: OrderDsl<Expr>, 

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as OrderDsl<Expr>>::Output

The type returned by .order.

impl<T, Predicate> OrFilterDsl<Predicate> for T where
    T: Table,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: OrFilterDsl<Predicate>, 

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as OrFilterDsl<Predicate>>::Output

The type returned by .filter.

impl<T, Expr> ThenOrderDsl<Expr> for T where
    Expr: Expression,
    T: Table,
    <T as AsQuery>::Query: ThenOrderDsl<Expr>, 

type Output = <<T as AsQuery>::Query as ThenOrderDsl<Expr>>::Output

The type returned by .then_order_by.

impl<T> Typeable for T where
    T: Any

fn get_type(&self) -> TypeId[src]

Get the TypeId of this object.

impl<T> Erased for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Err = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Err

impl<T> SetParameter for T[src]

fn set<T>(&mut self, value: T) -> <T as Parameter<Self>>::Result where
    T: Parameter<Self>, 

Sets value as a parameter of self.