[][src]Struct tokio_timer::timer::Timer

pub struct Timer<T, N = SystemNow> { /* fields omitted */ }

Timer implementation that drives Delay, Interval, and Timeout.

A Timer instance tracks the state necessary for managing time and notifying the Delay instances once their deadlines are reached.

It is expected that a single Timer instance manages many individual Delay instances. The Timer implementation is thread-safe and, as such, is able to handle callers from across threads.

Callers do not use Timer directly to create Delay instances. Instead, Handle is used. A handle for the timer instance is obtained by calling handle. Handle is the type that implements Clone and is Send + Sync.

After creating the Timer instance, the caller must repeatedly call turn. The timer will perform no work unless turn is called repeatedly.

The Timer has a resolution of one millisecond. Any unit of time that falls between milliseconds are rounded up to the next millisecond.

When the Timer instance is dropped, any outstanding Delay instance that has not elapsed will be notified with an error. At this point, calling poll on the Delay instance will result in Err being returned.


Timer is based on the paper by Varghese and Lauck.

A hashed timing wheel is a vector of slots, where each slot handles a time slice. As time progresses, the timer walks over the slot for the current instant, and processes each entry for that slot. When the timer reaches the end of the wheel, it starts again at the beginning.

The Timer implementation maintains six wheels arranged in a set of levels. As the levels go up, the slots of the associated wheel represent larger intervals of time. At each level, the wheel has 64 slots. Each slot covers a range of time equal to the wheel at the lower level. At level zero, each slot represents one millisecond of time.

The wheels are:

When the timer processes entries at level zero, it will notify all the Delay instances as their deadlines have been reached. For all higher levels, all entries will be redistributed across the wheel at the next level down. Eventually, as time progresses, entries will Delay instances will either be canceled (dropped) or their associated entries will reach level zero and be notified.


impl<T> Timer<T> where
    T: Park

pub fn new(park: T) -> Self[src]

Create a new Timer instance that uses park to block the current thread.

Once the timer has been created, a handle can be obtained using handle. The handle is used to create Delay instances.

Use default when constructing a Timer using the default park instance.

impl<T, N> Timer<T, N>[src]

pub fn get_park(&self) -> &T[src]

Returns a reference to the underlying Park instance.

pub fn get_park_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T[src]

Returns a mutable reference to the underlying Park instance.

impl<T, N> Timer<T, N> where
    T: Park,
    N: Now, 

pub fn new_with_now(park: T, now: N) -> Self[src]

Create a new Timer instance that uses park to block the current thread and now to get the current Instant.

Specifying the source of time is useful when testing.

pub fn handle(&self) -> Handle[src]

Returns a handle to the timer.

The Handle is how Delay instances are created. The Delay instances can either be created directly or the Handle instance can be passed to with_default, setting the timer as the default timer for the execution context.

pub fn turn(&mut self, max_wait: Option<Duration>) -> Result<Turn, T::Error>[src]

Performs one iteration of the timer loop.

This function must be called repeatedly in order for the Timer instance to make progress. This is where the work happens.

The Timer will use the Park instance that was specified in new to block the current thread until the next Delay instance elapses. One call to turn results in at most one call to park.park().


On success, Ok(Turn) is returned, where Turn is a placeholder type that currently does nothing but may, in the future, have functions add to provide information about the call to turn.

If the call to park.park() fails, then Err is returned with the error.

Trait Implementations

impl<T, N> Drop for Timer<T, N>[src]

impl Default for Timer<ParkThread, SystemNow>[src]

impl<T: Debug, N: Debug> Debug for Timer<T, N>[src]

impl<T, N> Park for Timer<T, N> where
    T: Park,
    N: Now, 

type Unpark = T::Unpark

Unpark handle type for the Park implementation.

type Error = T::Error

Error returned by park

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<T, N> Unpin for Timer<T, N> where
    N: Unpin,
    T: Unpin

impl<T, N> Sync for Timer<T, N> where
    N: Sync,
    T: Sync

impl<T, N> Send for Timer<T, N> where
    N: Send,
    T: Send

impl<T, N = Clock> !UnwindSafe for Timer<T, N>

impl<T, N = Clock> !RefUnwindSafe for Timer<T, N>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized